Looking for Truth In All the Wrong Places
I was 10 when I discovered my cellulite. It was in the back of our family suburban while on a two-day road trip to Texas to see my cousins. Per usual, I was slouched down in my seat,
Adulthood Is a Myth
Truth? I'm still waiting for adulthood, and I'm 36 years old. I expected marriage and professionalism and parenthood to launch me into that realm naturally, because they are such adult-y things. I even drink coffee and say things like, "when I was a kid," and "because I said so," and "don't make me turn this car around…”
Activity Burnout: Why Doing Nothing Is Really Something
I have noticed that the busier my children are, the less imaginative they become. If there is even a moment of stillness, they infuse it with the inevitable "I'm bored" whine. They look to me as though I'm responsible for their entertainment, and why wouldn't I be? I am the one telling them where to be, what to do, and how fast to do it most of the time, because schedules!!
The Sleepless Years
If you ask anyone in my family what my favorite activity is, without fail, they will unanimously answer sleeping. I love sleep. I miss sleep. Want to go out and have a kid-free night on the town with your husband or your girlfriends? As long as I'm back by nine, because sleep.