You Know Better
In 2010, a man named Tom Kane stole $30,000 from me.
I sent it to him willingly in the form of a cashier’s check, a detail around which he was suspiciously adamant. It was a red flag, but I told my gut she was wrong, that she knew nothing about how business worked, that this was the way things were done all the time, and I sealed up the money and mailed it anyway. Instead of making good on his end of our deal, this man vanished with every cent.
When Are You?
Once in awhile, something major happens—the loss of a loved one, the birth of a child, the lay off, the big promotion—nudging you to glance at the clock and check if you’re any closer to someday. You feel a new, even if fleeting, sense of urgency to swipe hold of joy, to be really in it, lest you miss it.